Wednesday, October 31, 2012

trick or treat for my T-E-A-M

How many times can I say I love my TEAM! My winning team of course ... 2 cheerleaders and a football player.  Momma is just wondering how long they will go with my flow of "theming" their costumes.  This year they were all about it ... well Gavin he really didn't have a say, Carli, let's just say she is a cheerleader at heart anyhow and Lexi, that's the only one I really had to convince and she was easy this time around.  I was just thankful that they were not really costumes but pj's and actual dresses, which led to no discomfort, no itching and therefore no complaining.  The weather could not have been more perfect for our long sleeved outfits in south Florida.

We did our usual Halloween evening of hanging and trick or treating with our cousins, Darren and Talia.  We trick or treated through their entire neighborhood, got way more candy than we needed and of course more tired than we needed to be as well.  No rain, no complaining, good company and lots of food ... will chalk that up to a successful Halloween!

Halloween at school

A day full of parades, parties, and fun! We started out the morning with the preschool parade, which included Gavin and Carli.  They had a parade of costumes first thing in the morning and both followed it up with a party in the classroom.  The afternoon was Lexi's party.  Her party had lots of "big girl" fun.  She ate bagels dangling from a string, made edible pumpkins and other crafts as well.  Now off to a big night of trick or treating ... well hopefully treating!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Spookley the Pumpkin ... Not so much!

Today was an unexpected day off from school (hurricane that never really happened, well at least in south Florida).  We passed the morning away by pumpkin carving.  Thankfully we had already been to the pumpkin patch a couple of days ago, as we knew our weekend weather was not scheduled to be pumpkin patch friendly.

Poppa was working, so it was all up to mommy to carve them up.  We went the simple route this year, and you know what .... it was more fun!! Each of them drew their own simple shapes and I cut them out.  The girls went digging in to clean out their pumpkin, Gavin was a little hesitant.  Not sure he was a big fan of the slime feeling insides.  After carving, we roasted our pumpkin seeds.  I think the thought of roasting them (coupled with anticipation due to the fact that is was going to take awhile, as they needed to dry out) was more fun that actually eating them.  Once they were roasted, they had a small, small handful and that was the end of that!